【小豆南瓜】腎に効く特効食 浮腫やむくみ、腎臓疾患の改善食

【小豆南瓜】腎に効く特効食 浮腫やむくみ、腎臓疾患の改善食

Thank you for watching.
At the Kenko Dojo/Kitchen, we are disseminating information based on the concept that “all diseases can be improved with food.” The monks were in charge of medical treatment from the Heian period(794-1185) to the Edo period(1603-1868) where there was no modern medicine. The esoteric food brought back from China by Kobo Daishi (Kukai) and Denkyo Daishi (Saicho) casually permeates the Japanese dining table as healthy food, with sesame tofu and Pickled radish as the lead.
Although all the secrets about meals to survive severe training have not been released, this site arranges the Pu Tea Dishes transmitted to Obaku sect Manpukuji Temple in Uji, Kyoto, in a modern way to help everyone watching. We will teach you as a secret of prevention.
We will introduce dishes that are friendly to the elderly, infants and sick people, using organic ingredients as much as possible and keeping in mind the menu that uses artificial sweeteners and additives as seasonings as much as possible.
Although the explanation of the video is omitted, the secrets and secrets of how to choose ingredients and cooking methods (cutting, stir-frying, procedures) are scattered everywhere, so please give the audience a secret. I hope you can steal it.

Since the cooking utensils and ingredients used in the Kenko Dojo/Kitchen are carefully selected, there are many items that are difficult to obtain at general supermarkets, and we have introduced an online shopping site in response to your request.

小豆南瓜の調味料は塩のみです 。
砂糖などの甘味料は一切使用しません 。
豆の甘味を引き出す塩加減は 小豆1カップに対して塩小さじ1(5g)

Amazon ▼
角久八丁味噌   https://amzn.to/2CESp7d
麦みそ      https://amzn.to/2OzN6Zs
ゲランドの塩   https://amzn.to/2OwMdRp
ごま油      https://amzn.to/2ZAuoXD
コシヒカリ玄米  https://amzn.to/3953qus
たまり醤油    https://amzn.to/394Hlfv
本葛粉      https://amzn.to/2WsL4yo
スベラカーゼ   https://amzn.to/2B7S64n
平和圧力鍋    https://amzn.to/2DKA5Kc
鉄製中華北京鍋36cm  https://amzn.to/2B6rFMi
片手銅鍋 18cm    https://amzn.to/3fEp0bB
木製おひつ     https://amzn.to/2ZA17wf
ムーラン裏漉し器 https://amzn.to/2OuUTaT

紹介ビデオ あらゆる病は食事で改善できる→https://youtu.be/AQ_gRTHNezs
腎臓疾患の改善食 小豆南瓜→https://youtu.be/FlWIlue7zvg
雲水のご馳走 葛あんとろろ饂飩→https://youtu.be/kjomomagFco
デトックス 小豆玄米→https://youtu.be/d-nqApchtyw
最強の治療食 自然薯十割そば→https://youtu.be/bZVq44mJqks
体質改善 おひつ玄米ご飯→https://youtu.be/525ojdZB7w0
便秘撃退 手作りパン→https://youtu.be/W8U9JBjKgFA
気分はイタリアン パスタ Fusilli Al Pomodoro →https://youtu.be/zyquZ_uv93M
うつ克服 玄米おじや(4種の味噌)→https://youtu.be/MTd-kjfU7fQ
食欲増進 味噌おじやのポタージュ→https://youtu.be/qXZ41Kns2rs
冷え症克服 きし麵葛あんかけ→https://youtu.be/D3crEaIfxNI
1週間保存可 作り置き野菜スープストック→https://youtu.be/3xuAvm09CL0
嚥下食 酒粕玄米おじや→https://youtu.be/5PDMbvekLdM


曲       : On & On (feat. Daniel Levi)
曲       : Más Y Más (feat. Daniel Levi)
アーティスト  : Cartoon


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