【はもの柳川鍋】 一平の京料理至高の小鍋 鱧をさばきと骨切りから

【はもの柳川鍋】 一平の京料理至高の小鍋 鱧をさばきと骨切りから

夏を代表する食材 淡路産の鱧(はも)は秋には名残の鱧として京料理にはよく使われます。


Hamo (Japanese conger eel)
They have long bodies like “eels” and “conger eels,” but they have staring eyes, sharp canine teeth, and are very different from eels in their rough temper and ferocity.
In Japan, it is found in the central and southern parts of the country. Therefore, it is a familiar fish to people in the Kansai area. They rest in the sand and rocks during the daytime and stay active at night, hiding in the water up to 100 meters deep. With its sharp teeth, it eats crustaceans as well as other fish.
The “hamo” is a very boney fish, with about 3,500 of them. This is where the unique “boning” process of the pigeon becomes necessary.
”Bone-cutting” is a kitchen knife technique to chop the bones vertically, leaving a thin skin inside the body.

京料理人 一平の こだわりの調理法をお楽しみください。

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