【石狩鍋の作り方・レシピ】鮭のアラでうまみたっぷり💛【郷土料理・北海道】 Japanese Hot Pot, Ishikari Nabe, Hokkaido【日本語+Eng 】

【石狩鍋の作り方・レシピ】鮭のアラでうまみたっぷり💛【郷土料理・北海道】 Japanese Hot Pot, Ishikari Nabe,  Hokkaido【日本語+Eng 】


Let’s cook Ishikari-nabe, . Ishikari-nabe is a regional dish of Ishikari, Hokkaido
The meat and bones of salmon are cooked in a pot with vegetables. Since the Edo period, salmon fishing has been practiced in the Ishikari region. The fishermen made the pot with freshly caught salmon celebrating a big catch. Ishikari Nabe was selected as one of Hokkaido’s representative local dishes in 2007.
Please enjoy!

0:00 About Ishikari Nabe
0:37 Ingredients
0:50 How to cut salmon 鮭の切り方
1:42 Cutting vegetables 野菜類の準備
3:08 Making soup stock and cooking Ishikari Hot pot 
6:16 Onigiri with salmon flakes 鮭のおにぎり


Ingredients for Ishikari Hot Pot(石狩鍋)
Serves 2~3

3 salmon slices
½ salmon ‘Ara’ (bony parts)
300 g momen tofu
¼ Hakusai(Chinese cabbage)
100 g Komatsuna
2 green onions
1 carrot
2 onions
150 g shimeji mushrooms
5 p shiitake mushrooms
180 g shirataki

8cmx8cm Kombu
50 g miso
10 g salmon roe

freshly cooked rice for onigiri
salmon flakes


Relating videos;
【北海道🍈-道央-】 石狩鍋を作ってみよう。〜47都道府県の郷土料理〜 #6

Food In Japan Nabe Cuisine Japanology

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AMAZING Japanese HOT POT Motsunabe in Fukuoka Japan

Music; YouTube Audio Library

江戸東京野菜 レシピカテゴリの最新記事