


店  名 かんだ
住  所 東京都港区元麻布3-6-34 カーム元麻布1F
営業時間 18:00~24:00(L.O.22:00)
定 休 日 日曜日、祝日
電  話 03-5786-0150
交  通 六本木駅1B出口より徒歩10分
かんだ https://bit.ly/2TcCOEt

[ Kanda [Tokyo / Azabujuban / Roppongi ] Recommended Japanese food in Azabujuban that you want to go on a date! If you go with your loved one, this is a famous store! (Japanese food, hideaway, single-family home, kaiseki cuisine, kaiseki cuisine, Michelin) ]

There is no menu available. “There is no best food for everyone with different physique, age, outlook on life, and sometimes nationality.” “Our goal is to serve the food that is most pleasing to the customer in the budget we receive. Mr. Hiroyuki Kanda. I want you to experience this blissful hospitality. The budget is about 42,000 to 70,000 yen per person. The map (access map) is at the end of the video!


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#和食 #デート #記念日 #大切な日 #大切な人
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