Okonomiyaki (Japanese Omelette/Pancake) Hiroshima Style

Okonomiyaki (Japanese Omelette/Pancake) Hiroshima Style

Okonomiyaki there are several ways to prepare, made in the layered pan or in the pan but all the ingredients mixed.
I like to do more in layers which is the Hiroshima style. I found out from searching on the internet that in my hometown Hyogo they also prepare HIroshima style.
Also, my mother’s hometown is Hiroshima, so it may be natural for me to like the Hiroshima style.

He’s my Sponsor, he provided me with cabbage and bean sprouts.

Okonomiyaki (Japanese Omelette/Pancake) Hiroshima Style 3 minutes cooking

Food Report 3 Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki in Osaka Aug 24, 2021

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