【簡単レシピ】時短!簡単!美味しい野菜炒め🥬 Quick and delicious stir-fried vegetables #shorts

【簡単レシピ】時短!簡単!美味しい野菜炒め🥬 Quick and delicious stir-fried vegetables #shorts

Yim Yim キッチンへようこそ♫


#簡単レシピ #野菜炒め #時短レシピ

Welcome to Yim Yim Kitchen ♫
Quick and delicious vegetable stir-fry. The ingredients are put in a plastic bag and mixed, so cleanup is easy. Check out the next video for how to make it ♫ #Stir-fried vegetables #Diet recipe #Easy recipe #Dinner

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