【料理】秋野菜で健康!鶏と秋の根菜甘辛炒め  Healthy with autumn vegetables! Stir-fried chicken and autumn root vegetables

【料理】秋野菜で健康!鶏と秋の根菜甘辛炒め  Healthy with autumn vegetables! Stir-fried chicken and autumn root vegetables

医療法人原三信病院 香椎原病院 病院管理栄養士のヘルシークッキング



 ・鶏もも肉  200g
 ・サツマイモ 1本(約150g)
 ・レンコン  100g
 ・ピーマン  2個
  ・塩こしょう 少々
・小麦粉   適量
・油 大さじ1     
・醤油    大さじ2
 ・酒     大さじ1
 ・みりん   大さじ1
 ・砂糖    大さじ2
 ・酢     大さじ1


① 鶏肉は一口大に切り、塩こしょうをふり小麦粉をまぶす。
② サツマイモは皮付きのまま乱切りにし、レンコンは皮をむいて5~6㎜程度の輪切りにし、それぞれ5分ほど水にさらす。ピーマンは種を取り除き一口大に切る。
③ サツマイモをザルに上げ耐熱ボウルに移してラップをし600Wで5分加熱する。レンコンはザルに上げキッチンペーパーで水気を切り小麦粉をまぶす。
④ フライパンに油をひき、鶏肉とレンコンを両面焼き色がつくまで焼く。火が通ったらサツマイモとピーマンを加え1分程度炒める。Aを加え照りが出るまで煮詰めたら出来上がり!


#栄養 #調理 #簡単 #ヘルシー

Let’s be healthy with autumn vegetables!

Autumn is the harvest season and is rich in the most seasonal ingredients of the year.
Autumn ingredients are rich in vitamins and minerals, which helps to relieve summer fatigue and warm the body in preparation for the cold of winter.
This time, I will introduce a recipe using such nutritious autumn root vegetables.
Sweet potatoes and lotus roots are rich in vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber, and are effective in preventing colds, relieving fatigue, and relieving constipation.
Vitamin C is generally fragile due to heat, but sweet potatoes and lotus roots are protected by starch, so they are not easily broken even when heated.

Material (for 2 people)
・ Chicken thigh 200g
・ One sweet potato (approx. 150 g)
・ Lotus root 100g
・green peppers 2
・ Slightly salt and pepper
・Flour: Appropriate amount
・ 1 tablespoon of oil
・ Salty sauce 2 tbsp
・ Sake 1 tbsp
・ Mirin 1 tbsp
・ Sugar 2 tbsp
・ Vinegar 1 tbsp

For 1 person
Calories 488 Kcal
Salt content 2.2g
20 minutes

How to make
① Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with flour.
(2) Cut sweet potatoes into small pieces with the skin on, peel the lotus root into slices of about 5 to 6 mm, and expose each to water for about 5 minutes. Remove the seeds from the peppers and cut into bite-sized pieces.
③ Put the sweet potatoes in a colander, transfer them to a heat-resistant bowl, wrap them, and heat them at 600W for 5 minutes. Put the lotus root in a colander, drain it with kitchen paper, and sprinkle it with flour.
④ Add oil to a frying pan and bake chicken and lotus root until both sides are browned. When cooked, add sweet potatoes and peppers and fry for about 1 minute. Add A and boil down until shining, and it’s done!

☞ Point:
A delicious dish with a sweet and spicy sauce that is entwined with the faint sweetness of sweet potatoes.
You can also use pumpkin instead of sweet potatoes to make it delicious.

#Nutrition #Cooking #Easy #Healthy

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