【夜ご飯】炊飯器で作る奇跡の炊き込みご飯。家族で食べてみませんか? #炊飯器レシピ #炊飯器おすすめ #Japanesefood #ricecookerrecipes #awesome

【夜ご飯】炊飯器で作る奇跡の炊き込みご飯。家族で食べてみませんか?  #炊飯器レシピ #炊飯器おすすめ #Japanesefood #ricecookerrecipes #awesome








【改良版レシピ】 3人前

お米2合  300g
ドライソーセージ(サラミ)   50g
にんにく 2片
じゃがいも 50g
人参  40g
椎茸  2個
卵 4個

減塩醤油 10g
濃い口醤油 10g
オイスターソース 20g
塩 2g
ブラックペッパー 少々

● 水 大さじ1=15g
● 酒 大さじ1=15g
● 酢 大さじ1=15g
● 醤油 大さじ1=18g
● みりん 大さじ1=18g
● 油 大さじ1=12g

● 上白糖 大さじ1=9g
● グラニュー糖 大さじ1=12g
● あら塩 大さじ1=15g
● 食塩 大さじ1=18g
● 小麦粉 大さじ1=9g
● 片栗粉 大さじ1=9g

● 味噌 大さじ1=18g
● バター 大さじ1=12g
● マヨネーズ 大さじ1=14g
● ケチャップ 大さじ1=15g

Please refer to
〇Weight of liquid seasoning 〇
● 1 tablespoon of water = 15g
● 1 tablespoon of sake = 15g
● 1 tablespoon of vinegar = 15g
● 1 tablespoon of soy sauce = 18g
● Mirin 1 tablespoon = 18g
● 1 tablespoon of oil = 12g

Weight of powdered seasoning
● Johakuto 1 tablespoon = 9g
● Granulated sugar 1 tbsp = 12 g
● Ara salt 1 tablespoon = 15g
● 1 tablespoon of salt = 18g
● 1 tablespoon of flour = 9g
● 1 tablespoon of potato starch = 9 g

Weight of seasoning on paste
● 1 tablespoon of miso = 18g
● 1 tablespoon butter = 12g
● Mayonnaise 1 tbsp = 14 g
● Ketchup 1 tbsp = 15 g

[Improved recipe] 3 servings Rice 2 go 300g Dry sausage (salami) 60g 2 pieces of garlic Potato 60g Carrot 40g 4 eggs Low-salt soy sauce 10g Dark soy sauce 10g Oyster sauce 20g Salt 2g A little black pepper

I made a recipe for a rice cooker that has received a lot of views on YouTube.
I didn’t write down the exact amount, and I couldn’t reproduce it completely, but I think I was able to faithfully reproduce it.

#japanesefood #Japaneserice #japanesedinner #Men’scooking #Ricecookercooking

In these times when travel is difficult, I hope to connect the world through food videos.

使ってる包丁 The knife used in the video

まな板  The cutting board used in the video

撮影に使った携帯カメラ  Cell phone camera used for photography




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